圣鑫金属科技(北京)有限公司是一家专业提供耐高温,耐腐蚀和特种合金材料以及相应焊材的现货供应商, 公司总部位于北京城市副中心. 公司目前有两个仓储加工中心分别位于天津(进口材料)和江苏(国产材料),为热处理, 工业炉, 化工, 电力, 环保, 造纸, 海水淡化以及医疗,制药等诸多行业提供相应的材料解决方案.
钛以及钛合金系列: TA1,TA2,TA8,TA9,TA10,TC4,TC18等。
纯镍系列:Ni200, Ni201
哈式合金系列:C-276, C-22,C2000,C4,B-2,B-3
镍基合金系列: 800H, 825,600, 625,A286,188, 617, 718,Monel400, K500, 20.
超级奥式体不锈钢:904L, 254SMo, N08367(AL-6XN), N08926(1.4529)
双相钢等: 2101, 2205, 2507, S32760, 329, 316L,310S,17-4PH。
圣鑫金属为顾客提供多种牌号, 形状及尺寸的特种合金,含中厚板薄板, 棒材, 管材, 管件, 锻件及对应的焊材. 无论是最小的切割件还是******随机尺寸的中厚板, 无论订货数量多少, 我们都全力以赴. 圣鑫金属的目标是为客户提供最优化的材料解决方案.
Sunrise Metal Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd is a specialist supplier, headquarters in Beijing and has 2 plants in Tianjin(Overseas Materials) and Jiangsu Province(Domestic Materials ), focusing on the alloys of heat resistant, corrosion resistant, aerospace and titanium, nickel alloys, duplex etc. We serve the customers of all sizes, supplying and processing high-performance metals to thermal process, chemical process, power generation, aerospace, pump and paper, desalination and pharmaceutical markets.
Sunrise Metal conveniently locates in the international logistics zone, Beijing, China, we are well positioned to serve a wide variety industrial markets through our best service.
Sunrise Metal source the material from the world widely famous mill, we can also offer the fittings and forgings from the domestic mill according to the customers requirement.
Sunrise Metal offer the variety alloys: Heat resistant, corrosion resistant, aerospace and titanium, nickel alloys, duplex , stainless steel and also the the welding consumables.
Sunrise Metal Vision:
Your easy metal specialist , the best technology service.